Clara Holzinger wrote a guest commentary in the weekly journal „Die Furche“ (December 2024):
Podcast Methoden:Koffer (in German) „Mehrsprachigkeit in der Sozialforschung – sprecht darüber!“
Cinzia Hirschvogl and Clara Holzinger (from the research project DeMiCo) talk about multilingual interviewing and methodological reflections in the Podcast „Methoden:Koffer“
Podcast Language on the move „Linguistic diversity as a bureaucratic challenge“
Clara talks with Ingrid Piller from Macquarie University about her research and the AMIGS project
Discussion (in German): „Die Würde des Spargels ist unantastbar“ – Antiosteuropäischer Rassismus, Ausbeutung und Widerstand
The discussion addresses history and present of racism experienced by people from Eastern Europe in Austria and highlights the links between discrimination, labour migration and exploitation.
Keynote speech by Jannis Panagiotidis (University of Vienna) and discussion with activists Simona Ďurišová (IG24) und Sónia Melo (Sezonieri), hosted by Clara Holzinger and Niki Kubaczek (ÖGS, Austrian Association for Sociology)
Recording of event/Veranstaltungsmitschnitt der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie vom 18. Oktober 2024, Brunnenpassage/Yppenplatz, Wien, Austria
„Gut ausgebildet im völlig falschen Job“ – Newspaper article on the research project DeMiCo
Interview with Elisabeth Scheibelhofer on the phenomenon of deskilling among highly skilled migrants in Vienna, published in the Austrian newspaper „Kurier“ (KURIER-Forschungsbeilage „Wien will’s wissen“, 29 June 2024).
In an interview with #wissenschaftsradio, Clara Holzinger and Elisabeth Scheibelhofer talk about barriers for highly educated CEE-migrants from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania on the labour market in Vienna.
Why EU migrants end up in jobs below their qualifications
In Scilog – The Science Magazine Anna-Katharina Draxl, Clara Holzinger and Elisabeth Scheibelhofer talk about their current research project DeMiCo on experiences of highly educated CEE-migrants on the labour market in Vienna.